Jaybees Faculties

Jaybees Faculties

Sri:K P Jayabalan
President Jaybees Charitable Society
Dr. Jothi M P V
Dr.M V Vijayakumar
Asst. Proffessor in Mathematics
Smt: Anusha Kumari P C
Asst. Proffessor in Commerce
Smt: Neethumol Thankappan
Asst. Proffessor in English
Smt. Jishma K P
Asst. Proffessor in Physical Science
Smt: Shamitha P P
Asst. Proffessor in Social Science
Smt:Deepa K K
Assistant Proffessor in General Education
Smt: Midhuna P V
Assistant Proffessor in Physical Education
Jaybees Courses

Name of the programme

B.Ed Course of Kannur University

No. of Units proposed

  • ::: English 11
  • ::: Physical Science 14
  • ::: Social Science 8
  • ::: Commerce 11
  • ::: Maths 6

Total intake proposed

50 (New programme)

Name of the affiliating body

Kannur University in Kerala

Type of Institution


Academic year from which Programme is proposed

2006 – August onwards

Type of Management

Jaybees Charitable Society – Reg.No.585/96